петък, 25 май 2012 г.

Do you want to know how to get legendary items in Diablo 3? If this is your goal I think you should read the rest of this post – it may educate you and adjust your priorities… and I’ll also share a bit about what I know about finding legendary items.

  There’s a lot of complaints about legendary items at the moment. First up, there are a lot of them (to be expected with the number of players on each region) but that’s not so bad. Mostly they’re in the 10s to 50s range. Most of these are only going to be used when levelling alts in style.

  Second (and more importantly) people are starting to get level 60 legendary items – both crafted and dropped – and they are bummed about the stats. There are blues that are better. 

Why is this?

  Say you’re like me, you’re starting to farm the higher difficulties and you’re working the GAH, creating tons of gold. You haven’t seen a legendary item yet – you’re wondering where all the legendary items on the auction house come from – are people making them? In fact… they are. I discuss this in more detail within the diablo 3 gold guild.
Legendary Wand Runestoke
So you decide to invest in crafting this item. You think there’s a good chance that although the cost to craft this is high, there’s a good chance you’ll get something you want or at the very least something you can sell for lots of profit.

  You craft the item and check it out without realising you’re holding your breath. Unfortunately, those “3 random magic properities” didn’t play nice. You’ve got a sub-par legendary item on your hands. The magic item you already have equipped in that slot is better.

 Does this seem wrong to you? I understand the design decisions behind it (see Bashiok’s comments below) but I’m not 100% sure it’s implemented right just yet:
Intended design is for an end-game characters to have a mixture of set/legendary, rare, and crafted items.
Legendary items are commonly not going to be the best items. It’s a title that denotes a named item, with set stats, and a unique model. It does not mean they’re the best items.
Completely random rares will be the best items in the game if they roll up the right stats.
I like the idea that there can be tiers of awesomeness (legendary legendary items) but I think the feeling of basically having to salvage or vendor an orange texted item might be very disheartening for some. RNG can be a cruel, heartless mistress.
Maybe you’re not deterred and you want legendary items anyway – and to be fair they just might (perfectly rolled) be some of the best items in game. I can tell you what I know (All these tips are expanded upon in my Diablo 3 Gold Guild Guide - I  recommend you check it out -> click here <-) and it might help to maximise your chances of finding legendary items:
  • Stack as much MF% as you can (but still dps and survive);
  • Run the highest difficulty you can without dying;
  • Ideally, level to 60;
  • & get Nephalem Valor stacked up.
What do you guys think? Have you found any awesome legendary items or have you been disappointed by RNG?

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